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To reset your password, enter the information below:

Last 4 digits of
Social Security Number
SAU ID Number
(6 numbers - 123456)

(Your SAU ID number is NOT part of your SAUsername)

Scroll down for help in locating your SAU ID number.

If you don't know your SAU ID number, click here


Look on a statement from the Business Office or on your SAU ID Card


  1. After you fill out the Reset Password form, you will get a randomly-generated 8 character password. Use it for MySAU, Email, Blackboard, etc.
  2. If you have saved your old password in your web browser, you will need to remove the old password. Find instructions for deleting saved passwords here.
  3. If you want to change that password to something you will remember, click the "Change My Password" link on the page that displays your newly reset password
  4. Then, log into the MySAU Portal with your Username and new system-generated password
  5. Finally, on the "Change Your Password" page, enter your system-generated password once and your new, preferred password twice.